What are the 12 deeds of Buddha?

by Nov 6, 2021Buddhism0 comments

The 12 deeds of Buddha – 1. Descent

In the heavenly world of Tushita, Lord Buddha in his previous life was at the helm of it. When the time came for him to descend to the mortal world of earth, he passed on his celestial regal duties to Lord Maitreya who is regarded as the next Buddha to descend to the earth when the whole essence of Lord Gautama Buddha disappears completely from the earth.

The 12 deeds of Buddha – 2. Conception

12 deeds of Buddha

King Sudhodhana of Lumbini has two wives, with the elder wife being called Queen Maya. Both the Queens were yet to bear the heir to the throne. Hence the king prayed devotedly to the gods, distributed alms to the destitute all in the hope of having an heir. Then one day, in the dream of Queen Maya, a small white elephant with a bright glorious star descends into the body of the queen.

This marks the entry of Lord Buddha into the womb of queen Mayadevi after checking all the auspicious signs like place, race, time, and parents. 

The 12 deeds of Buddha – 3. Birth

From then on, the Queen became pregnant. As the time of delivery approaches, in the courtyard of King in a garden, Queen Mayadevi delivered a baby boy allegedly from the right armpit. Just after the birth, the little baby took seven steps in four different directions with lotus flowers springing up in his footsteps. Everyone was perplexed and confused, but they all thought that it was no ordinary baby.

Delighted with the news of the baby boy, King Sudhodhana said

“My all wishes have now been fulfilled”.

The 12 deeds of Buddha – 4. Upbringing

Due to the miraculous incident at the time of birth, King Sudhodhana consulted a holy sage about the fate of the baby. The Holy sage declared his prophecies that if the prince stayed in the worldly order, he will be an emperor who will lay siege to the whole world, but if he becomes an ascetic monk, he will attain enlightenment. Just after a few days, Queen Mayawati passed away from the mortal world with the little baby under the care of the younger Queen.

Right from a very young age, unlike other Princes, Prince Siddharth Gautama displayed compassionate and loving characters that he often spends his time meditating all alone. He would climb down from his panting horse and lovingly pour his affections by scratching the face of the horse.

Prince Siddhārtha, grew up in the palace of Kapilavastu mastering all the arts and skills expected of a prince in his days.

The 12 deeds of Buddha – 5. Princely Life

Prince Siddhartha in utter luxury ruled over a huge kingdom with his father. He married Princess Yashodhara after taking part in the competitions and had a son named Rahula.

The 12 deeds of Buddha – 6. Renunciation

Prince Siddhartha upon witnessing a sick man, an old man, and a corpse being carried to the burning ground. Prince Siddhartha was not prepared for such an experience as he has spent most of his life in utter luxuries. Upon knowing the real causes behind these experiences from his charioteer, he was really disturbed to have witnessed such things in the streets of Kapilavastu. 

On returning to the palace, he encountered an ascetic man walking peacefully wearing the robe and carrying a single bowl of a sadhu. He then resolved to let go of all his belongings by bidding a silent farewell to his families and led a peaceful life in the midst of the forest in search of the ultimate reality for our existence.

The 12 deeds of Buddha – 7. Austerity

Knowing the sense of pleasure as a hindrance from the path of liberation from the world of sufferings, Lord Buddha resorted to physical penance as a way of liberation by undergoing hard six years of severe fasting and meditation. meditation.

The 12 deeds of Buddha – 8. Adopting middle way

When the physical penance did not lead him to any awakenings or spiritual insight, he realized the avoidance of two extremes which are the sense of pleasure and self-mortification. Hence Lord Buddha adopted the middle way which is the path to liberation from the world of sufferings.

The 12 deeds of Buddha – 9. Overcoming Evil

Lord Buddha in search of his inner spiritual awakenings happens to meditate under the  Banyan tree. Sujata decided to offer a bowl of milk rice to the Banyan tree as a mark of reverence for the full-filled wish. However, she found a very weak skeletal man meditating calmly under the Banyan tree on reaching the spot.  

Initially, Lord Buddha refused to take the offering of Sujata’s bowl of milk rice. But the constant realization of the futility of self-mortification with the continuous insistence from the lady who according to the legend had said

“That means one should not give too much pain to himself nor enjoy too much relaxation. One should always follow the middle path.”

Upon this realization, Lord Buddha accepted the offering and this was his last meal before his salvation from the world of sufferings.

The 12 deeds of Buddha – 10. Enlightenment

At the age of 35, after going through rigorous meditation, Lord Buddha gained the spiritual insight or the spiritual awakening after defeating all the evil spirits, demons. Lord Buddha attained enlightenment under the banyan tree at Bodh Gaya.

The 12 deeds of Buddha – 11. Teaching

From the birth of an individual to that of death, our cycle of life constantly revolves around suffering ( Dukkha). Our constant source of attachment to worldly things is the source of our sufferings and the suffering is constant. The relative impermanence of our pleasures, happiness makes us crave and yearn more thereby causing more amount of attachment which will somehow become the ultimate source of our sufferings.

Hence Lord Buddha wanted to impart his wisdom in letting us away from the world of sufferings. but before implementing any actions to prevent further discouragement, an individual needs to understand the ultimate truth about the sufferings which Lord Buddha delivers in his religious discourse in his first sermon at Benares.

Seven weeks after he attained enlightenment, the Buddha gave his first sermon at Deer Park to his five former colleagues. This began 45 years of his teaching and spiritual career.

The 12 deeds of Buddha – 12. Passing Away

The Buddha finally entered the state of Mahāparinirvāna on his 81st birthday. As he did with his life, the Buddha used his final act of dying also to deliver the message of impermanence at Kushinagar.

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